
Personalised Care for Your Health

Wrist Pain Treatment

Chiropractic care extends beyond common back and neck treatments, encompassing the entire musculoskeletal system, including the wrist. Wrist pain can arise from various causes, categorized mainly into sudden onset injuries like sprains or fractures from trauma, and slow onset issues due to repetitive strain.

This category includes problems caused by activities such as prolonged typing or sports, leading to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tennis elbow. Effective chiropractic treatment addresses these diverse causes, providing relief and long-term solutions for wrist pain.

Identifying Key Problems

Common Wrist Issues We See

Common Causes & Personalised Treatment Plans

Conquering Wrist Pain

At Cleveland Chiropractic, our approach to wrist pain starts by understanding its diverse causes, from inactivity and biomechanical stress to sports injuries or even pregnancy. We recognize that each patient’s pain is unique, and therefore, our treatment begins with a detailed examination to diagnose the specific cause.

Our team conducts orthopaedic, neurological, and functional assessments to craft a tailored treatment plan, which may include chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitative exercises, and lifestyle modifications. We focus on not just relieving your pain but also on preventive strategies to ensure long-term health and well-being.

Overcome & Prevent Pain

Embark on Your Path to Pain-Free Living

We're Here for You

Cleveland Chiropractic

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